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Как посчитать точное количество знаков в тексте перевода?

Определить объем текста в формате MS Word легко. Функция текстового редактора меню “Сервис” - “Статистика” покажет количество знаков с пробелами и без, а также количество слов, абзацев и строк.
Однако, в документах со сложным форматированием с нераспознаваемыми табличками или надписями (когда рисунок независимо от количества знаков во встроенных надписях Word считает как 1 знак или когда надписи или колонтитулы не учитываются в общее количество) количество знаков или слов подсчитать невозможно обычным способом, поэтому используются специальные программы для точного подсчета знаков, которые в изобилии можно найти на рынке софта. Бесплатную версию программы для подсчета знаков FineCount можно скачать по ссылке . Прелесть программы в том, что она позволяет коллективный подсчет знаков при объемных заказах в несколько десятков, а то и сотен страниц. Поэтому Вам не нужно открывать каждый файл поочередно и выписывать количество знаков, отдельно подсчитывать общий объем переводимого текста. В бесплатной версии программы есть также возможность подсчитать знаки в форматах Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Adobe Acrobat и других. Некоторые форматы доступны для анализа только в платной версии.
Когда исходный текст предоставляется в виде бумажной копии, подсчет можно произвести вручную: подсчитать выборку из нескольких страниц и рассчитать общий объем по среднему количеству знаков в странице.
Заметьте, что объем перевода с иностранных языков на русский или наоборот исчисляется по оригиналу перевода.

3 comments to Как посчитать точное количество знаков в тексте перевода?

  • Аноним

    There is no such thing as an “international copyright” that will automatically protect an author’s writings throughout the world. Protection against unauthorized use in a particular country depends on the national laws of that country. However, most countries offer protection to foreign works under certain conditions that have been greatly simplified by international copyright treaties and conventions. There are two principal international copyright conventions, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Berne Convention) and the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC).

    The United States became a member of the Berne Convention on March 1, 1989. It has been a member of the UCC since September 16, 1955. Generally, the works of an author who is a national or domiciliary of a country that is a member of these treaties or works first published in a member country or published within 30 days of first publication in a Berne Convention country can claim protection under the treaties. There are no formal requirements in the Berne Convention. Under the UCC, any formality in a national law can be satisfied by the use of a notice of copyright in the form and position specified in the UCC. A UCC notice should consist of the symbol © (C in a circle) accompanied by the year of first publication and the name of the copyright proprietor (example: © 2006 John Doe). This notice must be placed in such a manner and location as to give reasonable notice of the claim to copyright. Since the Berne Convention prohibits formal requirements that affect the “exercise and enjoyment” of the copyright, the United States changed its law on March 1, 1989, to make the use of a copyright notice optional. U.S. law, however, still provides certain advantages for use of a copyright notice; for example, the use of a copyright notice can defeat a defense of “innocent infringement.”

    Even if a work cannot be brought under an international convention, protection may be available in other countries by virtue of a bilateral agreement between the United States and other countries or under specific provision of a country’s national laws. (See Circular 38a, International Copyright Relations of the United States.)

    An author who desires copyright protection for his or her work in a particular country should first determine the extent of protection available to works of foreign authors in that country. If possible, this should be done before the work is published anywhere, because protection may depend on the facts existing at the time of first publication.

    There are some countries that offer little or no copyright protection to any foreign works. For current information on the requirements and protection provided by other countries, it may be advisable to consult an expert familiar with foreign copyright laws. The U. S. Copyright Office is not permitted to recommend agents or attorneys or to give legal advice on foreign laws.

  • Yanglish

    Спасибо за информацию. Иногда действительно необходимо посчитать количество знаков в тексте и сделать это быстро. Эта функция Ворда полезна весьма.

  • Аноним

    computer science (cf. It. Informatik, Eng. Information technology, fr. Informatique, Eng. computer science - computer science - in the U.S., England. computing science - computer science - in the UK) - the study of methods of obtaining, storing, converting , transfer, protection and use of information. It includes subjects related to information processing in computers and computer networks: how abstract, like the analysis of algorithms, and very specific, for example, the development of programming languages.
    The term originated in the computer science 1960 in France for the title of the region occupied by the automated processing of information, as a merger of French words and information automatique (F. Dreyfus, 1962). [1]
    Research topics in computer science are the questions: what can and can not be implemented in the programs and databases (computability theory and artificial intelligence), how to solve specific computational and information tasks with maximum efficiency (complexity theory), in what form should be stored and restore the information of a specific type (structure and data bases), as programs and people should communicate with each other (the user interface and programming languages ​​and knowledge representation), etc.
    Contents [hide]
    1 Introduction
    2 History of Informatics
    3 Structure of Informatics
    3.1 Theoretical Computer Science
    3.2 Practical Informatics
    3.3 Technical Informatics
    3.4 Applied Informatics
    3.5 Natural science
    4 Key terms
    5 See also
    6 Notes
    7 References
    8 Links
    [Edit] Introduction

    Informatics - young scientific discipline that studies the issues related to the search, collection, storage, conversion and use of information in various fields of human activity. Genetically related to computer science computer engineering, computer systems and networks, as it allows computers to generate, store and process the information automatically in such quantities that the scientific approach to information processing becomes both necessary and possible.
    Until now, the interpretation of the term “computer science” (in the sense as used in the modern scientific and methodical literature) is not yet established and generally accepted. We turn to the historical record, dating back to the time of appearance of computers.
    The concept of science is just as difficult for a common definition, for example, the concept of mathematics. It is a science and applied research, and the area of ​​interdisciplinary research and academic discipline (at school and in high school.)
    Despite the fact that computer science as a science is a relatively new (see below), its origin should be associated with the work of Leibniz, to build the first computer and the development of a universal (philosophical) calculus.
    [Edit] History of computing

    Main article: History of Information Technology
    The term “computer science” was first introduced in Germany by Karl Shteynbuhom in 1957. [2] In 1962, the term was introduced into the French language F. Dreyfus, who also proposed a number of translations into other European languages. In the Soviet scientific and technical literature, the term “computer science” was introduced by A. Mikhailov, A. Black and RS Gilyarevsky in 1968. [3]
    Separate science computer science was recognized only in the 1970s, before it was developed as a part of mathematics, electronics and other technical sciences. Some early computer science can be found even in linguistics. Since its recognition of a separate science informatics has developed its own methods and terminology.
    First Faculty of Informatics was founded in 1962 at Purdue University (Purdue University). Today, schools and departments of computer science are available at most universities.
    In the schools of the USSR Academic Discipline “Information” appeared in 1985 along with the first textbook Ershov “Foundations of Computer Science.”
    The highest reward for his services to science is the Turing Award.
    December 4 marks the Day of Russian science, because on this day in 1948, the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on the implementation of advanced technology in the national economy has registered under the number 10,475 invention Bruk and BI Rameeva - digital electronic computers [ 4].

    [Edit] Structure informatics

    Computer science is divided into several sections.
    [Edit] Theoretical Computer Science
    Theoretical Computer Science deals with the theory of formal languages ​​and automata theory of computability and complexity, graph theory, cryptology, logic (including propositional logic and predicate logic), formal semantics and provides the basis for the development of programming languages, compilers.
    [Edit] Applied Informatics
    Practical Informatics provides fundamental concepts for solving standard problems, such as the storage and management of information through data structures, construction of algorithms, models and solutions to common challenges. Examples include algorithms for sorting and fast Fourier transform.
    One of the central themes of science is practical software engineering (English Software Engineering). It is a systematic process of development from idea to finished software.
    Practical science also provides the necessary tools for software development, for example - compilers.
    [Edit] Technical Informatics
    Technical computing engaged in the hardware of the computer technology, such as the basics of microprocessors, computer architectures and distributed systems. Thus, it provides a connection to electrical engineering. Computer architecture - the science that studies the concept of building computers. It is defined and optimized interaction microprocessor, memory and peripheral controllers.
    Another focus is the connection between the machines. It provides the electronic exchange of data between computers and, therefore, is a technical basis for the Internet. Besides the development of routers, switches, or firewalls, this discipline includes the development and standardization of network protocols such as TCP, HTTP or SOAP for communication between machines.
    [Edit] Applied Informatics
    Applied Informatics integrates specific applications of computer science in various fields of life science or production, for example, business informatics, geo-informatics, computational linguistics, bioinformatics, etc. hemoinformatika
    [Edit] Natural science
    Natural science - it’s natural sciences that studies information processing in nature, brain, and human society. It relies on such classic research areas as the theory of evolution, morphogenesis and developmental biology, systems research, brain research, DNA, immune system and cell membranes, management theory and group behavior, history, and other [5] [6]. Cybernetics, defined as “the science of the general laws of the process control and communication in the different systems, whether machine, living organisms, or society” [7] is close to but slightly different scientific direction. As well as mathematics and the majority of modern science, it can hardly be attributed to the natural sciences as well as dramatically different from them of their methodology. (Although widely used in modern natural sciences, mathematical and computer modeling.)
    [Edit] Definitions

    Information Resources - Various formalized knowledge (theories, ideas, inventions), data (including documents), technology and means of their collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and application as well as the exchange between sources and users of information.
    Information Technology -
    The set of disciplines involved in the study, development, and application of methods, techniques, activities, processes, tools, rules, skills used to obtain new information (data, knowledge), the collection, processing, analysis, interpretation, selection and use of data, content, and information in order to satisfy the information needs of the economy and society in the required amount and the specified quality.
    The totality of these very methods, techniques, actions, etc.
    Information process - Workflow (operations) for the collection, transmission, processing, analysis, allocation and use of different media to (and / or carriers) in the operation and interaction of material objects.
    Information process - component of information technology as a practical tool for prescription activity of the manufacturing process, which consists of a series of coordinated technical operations related to the collection and processing of as carriers of information, the release of which the required information, news, knowledge accumulation, analysis , interpretation and application.

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